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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Hyalite Ice: Crypt Orchid and Feeding the Cat

Cady and I managed to get up to Hyalite for an afternoon of ice climbing. We went up to Mummy 2 and Scepter hoping to get some long hard laps in but there were plenty of folks already there. Luckily the area is full of ice so we just traversed over to Crypt Orchid for a lap then a little further to Feeding the Cat for one lap. Crypt Orchid is in a spectacular setting and is always worth while even though its pretty easy. Feeding the Cat is a short but very steep column of ice that shouldnt be underestimated. We got to walk out under headlamp.

Scepter on the left and Mummy 2 on the right in the fattest conditions by far that I have ever seen.
Crypt Orchid WI3 35M.
Feeding the Cat ~20M WI4

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